Mary T. Wagner

"I’ve been a writer, a scribbler, a wordsmith, professionally for as long as I’ve been a grownup. First as a newspaper reporter, then as a magazine free-lancer, then an essayist, and finally as a children’s book author. The thread that bound them all was the magic of stringing words together to make descriptive pictures in the imagination.

Somewhere along that serpentine road, I also discovered digital photography. It didn’t take long to become enchanted with the ephemeral nature of the art form, a happy contrast with the torturous and occasionally agonizing process of wrestling with words and trying to get them “right.”  With a camera, you’ve either got the shot or not and there’s no going back to fix it.

I’m no stranger to the fragility of life after a serious accident, more keenly aware of the spellbinding beauty found in fragments of moments. I derive a great deal of comfort and inspiration from the beauty of nature around me, and am happy to share some of these moments here."


Vic Valdez


Ann White